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Family Involvement

Homecroft PTA is looking forward to another great year.

As always, our motto:  Every child, One Voice.

From our National PTA:

PTA is a membership association. We rely on our members to contribute their time and skills to school communities. Every individual who joins PTA is giving something not only to his or her child but also to every child. Imagine how strong your community could be if every family, community member, and business leader got involved in PTA!  Attracting new members and retaining existing members are among the most important duties of PTA officers and a PTA board. A strong membership is essential for PTA to be a force in decisions involving the welfare and education of children.

We at Homecroft PTA believe strongly in a healthy, open community of people who work together to make Homecroft a fun environment for the kids, a helpful part to the teachers and staff, and a supportive network for families.

Join us this year by becoming a member and contributing your time and skills.

Please look for the “How can I be involved in Homecroft PTA?” sheet in your Open House folder.  Watch for our membership drive. Such a fun way to sign up and become a member!

Helpful Links: