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Here at Duluth Public Schools, our gifted and talented program is called E-Squared. As part of the district’s MTSS (Multiple Tiered Systems of Support) initiative to accelerate the performance of all students we offer:

E-Squared: Seeking Exponential Growth through Extensions and Enrichment

The E-Squared program is small group intervention time offered to students who demonstrate achievement and/or performance far above the expected level for their grade level standards. These supplemental services will be offered in conjunction with other interventions and extensions for 3rd-5th grade students across the district during the WIN (What I Need) portion of the daily schedule.

How Are Students Identified?

E-Squared teachers work with grade level teams, using the district's universal achievement screener to identify the highest 10% of a grade level in math and/or ELA (English Language Arts) at each elementary site in grades 3-5.  Identification is ongoing, so all students have the opportunity to qualify for future E-Squared units.

What Do Services Look Like?

E-Squared teachers provide supplemental, small group, extension sessions for grades 3-5 in math and ELA. These sessions offer learning opportunities that focus on extending the grade-level standards and giving students the opportunity to collaborate, communicate and think critically and creatively with a small cohort of high achieving peers.


Kaylee Pelkey                                

Academic Extension and Enrichment TOSA 

District Acceleration Coordinator

218-336-8895 ext. 2935

Maggie Reed

Academic Extension and Enrichment TOSA

Reading and Math Intervention Specialist

218-336-8700 ext. 2668


Acceleration acknowledges that a student has already achieved at the requisite level to qualify for a higher grade placement overall or in a specific subject. The goal of acceleration is proper placement. 

An acceleration request may be initiated at any time. However, in order for a request to pertain to the following academic school year, it must be received no later than April 1st for current students and before September 1st for new to district enrollees. 


Single Subject Acceleration

Students in grades K-12 are eligible to apply for subject acceleration. 

Grades K-4: Single Subject Acceleration Process

Grades 5-12: Single Subject Acceleration Process


Subjects eligible for Elementary acceleration include: Mathematics and English Language Arts. 

Subjects eligible for Secondary acceleration include: Mathematics, English Language Arts, and World Language. 


Whole Grade Acceleration

Students in grades K-4 are eligible to apply for whole grade acceleration. 

Grades K-1: Whole Grade Acceleration Process

Grades 2-4: Whole Grade Acceleration Process



Early Entrance to Kindergarten Overview

Whether or not to start a child’s school career early is an important decision. Children are eligible to enroll in kindergarten in Duluth Public Schools if they are five-years-old on or before September 1 of the calendar year that school starts. We recognize that some children may have exceptional skills and are ready to begin their formal education before they reach that age. If a child’s birthday falls on a date after September 1 and before November 30th he or she may be considered for early entrance into kindergarten. 

Procedures for Early Entrance to Kindergarten

The intent of the procedure is to make kindergarten available to younger students who are capable of working in a classroom setting with children one year older. 

  • For a child to be eligible for early entrance to kindergarten assessment, the child must turn 5 years-old by November 30th and be a resident of Duluth Public Schools.
  • Fill out the application and submit no later than April 1st.
  • Once the application is received to the Curriculum Department you will receive a consent for release of information. Once the consent form is received in the curriculum department, the  preschool will be sent an Adaptive Behavior Assessment System, fill out and it will need to be returned to the Curriculum Department prior to the assessment for your child. 
  • If the information provided indicates that a child is to be considered for early entrance into kindergarten, the parents will be notified of assessment dates. The assessment is typically conducted later in June and may be up to three hours in length. 
  • The Duluth Public Schools school psychologist will conduct the assessment. In order to be considered for Early Entrance your child must meet two of the three criteria: 
    • Your child must score at or above the 90th percentile on the Wechsler Preschool and Primary Scale of Intelligence, Fourth Edition. Performance at or above the 90th percentile is an identified and agreed upon marker designating high ability in a given area.
    • Your child must demonstrate the ability to read 100 words from a district provided list; as well as read fluently and comprehend a story appropriate for mid-level kindergarten.  He/She must also achieve 80% accuracy on a letter identification sound-symbol relationship measure.
    • There must be evidence that your child has successfully completed two years in preschool.  This addresses the area of social development. Your child’s preschool teacher will be asked to complete the ABAS-3 (Adaptive Behavior Assessment System).

Upon completion of the assessment the school psychologist will discuss the results with parent/guardian;

  • Is recommended to proceed to further evaluation or
  • Is not recommended for Early Entrance to Grade K 

If Early Entrance is recommended, the parents and principal or designee of the attendance area school will be notified. Your child may be enrolled for a probationary period pending the child’s satisfactory social emotional adjustment as determined by the classroom teacher.  The classroom teacher and principal will make recommendations based on the probationary period. 

Frequently Asked Questions